bauma CHINA 2020 was successfully held in Shanghai New International Expo Center on Nov.24th-Nov.27th,2020.
Time:2023-10-30 Visits:324

谋划共赢 众行致远,bauma CHINA交上2020年终答卷

bauma CHINA 2020, The 10th Shanghai International Construction Machinery, Building Materials Machinery, Engineering Vehicles and Equipment Expo was successfully held in Shanghai New International Expo Center on Nov.24th-Nov.27th,2020. With the full support of all parties, the exhibition brought together 2,867 construction machinery manufacturing enterprises from 34 countries and regions, and tens of thousands of innovative products and technologies competed in the display area of 300,000 square meters, showing the new achievements of independent innovation and hard work of construction machinery manufacturing enterprises.

Our booth number is W2.393,Welcome new and old customers to our booth for negotiation and guidance.


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